Divergence Calculator



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Divergence Calculator 

The divergence calculator in calculus computes the rate of change of all vector components in 3 dimensions and sums those rates up. It presents all the calculations as well.

How to use this tool?

The divergence calculator is pretty straightforward. You will have to:

  1. Enter the i vector.
  2. Enter the j vector.
  3. Enter the k vector.
  4. Click Calculate.

Make sure to follow the order of vectors accurately as it largely impacts the answer.  

What is Divergence?

In vector calculus, the divergence of a vector field is an operator that measures the magnitude of a source or sink at a given point in a vector field.

It is denoted as ∇⋅F, where is the del operator (or nabla), and F is the vector field. The mathematical definition of divergence in three-dimensional Cartesian coordinates for a vector field F=⟨P, Q, R⟩ is given by:

\[\nabla \cdot \mathbf{F} = \frac{\partial P}{\partial x} + \frac{\partial Q}{\partial y} + \frac{\partial R}{\partial z}\]

Where \(\frac{\partial P}{\partial x}\), \(\frac{\partial P}{\partial y}\), and \(\frac{\partial P}{\partial z}\) are the partial derivatives of the components of \(F\) with respect to the spatial variables \(x\), \(y\), and \(z\), respectively.

Imagine you're in a field and there's a wind blowing. The wind at every point in the field can be represented by an arrow that shows the direction and strength of the wind. This collection of arrows is what we call a"vector field" – each arrow is a "vector" that tells us something about the wind at a particular point. Now, the concept of "divergence" is like asking the question: "Is the wind at a certain point in the field blowing in a way that it's bringing in more air, or is it blowing in a way that it's taking air away?"

In short, the divergence of a vector field at a given point gives the rate at which the vector field is expanding or contracting at that point.

Interpreting the Divergence:

The divergence of a vector field at a point gives a scalar value, which can be interpreted as follows:

  • If the divergence is positive, it means that the field is "diverging" or spreading out. In the case of our wind example, this would be like standing in a spot in the field and feeling the wind blowing away from you in all directions as if you're in the center of a fan.
  • If the divergence is negative, it means that the field is "converging" or coming together. In the wind example, this would be like standing in a spot and feeling the wind blowing towards you from all directions, as if you're in the center of a vacuum.
  • If the divergence is zero, it means that the field is neither spreading out nor coming together at that point. In our wind example, this would be like standing in a spot and feeling the wind blowing past you, but not necessarily towards or away from you.

Source and Sink:

  • In the context of divergence, a "source" refers to a point or region in a vector field where the field lines are diverging, i.e., moving away from the point or region. 

Mathematically, a source corresponds to a positive divergence value. In physical terms, you can think of a source as a location where something is being emitted or generated, like the way air flows out from a fan or water flows out from a fountain.

  • On the other hand, a "sink" refers to a point or region in a vector field where the field lines are converging, i.e., moving towards the point or region. 

Mathematically, a sink corresponds to a negative divergence value. In physical terms, you can think of a sink as a location where something is being absorbed or consumed, like the way air flows into a vacuum cleaner or water flows into a drain.

How to calculate the divergence?

To calculate the divergence of a vector field, follow these steps:

  • Take the partial derivative of the first component of the vector field with respect to the first spatial variable.
  • Take the partial derivative of the second component of the vector field with respect to the second spatial variable.
  • Take the partial derivative of the third component of the vector field with respect to the third spatial variable.
  • Sum up the results from steps 1-3. The result is the divergence of the vector field.


Here's a solved problem to illustrate the process:

Let's find the divergence of the vector field \[\mathbf{F} = \langle x^2, y^2, z^2 \rangle\]

  1. Take the partial derivative of \(x^2\) with respect to x:\[\frac{\partial x^2}{\partial x} = 2x\]
  2. Take the partial derivative of \(y^2\) with respect to y:\[\frac{\partial y^2}{\partial y} = 2y\]
  3. Take the partial derivative of \(z^2\) with respect to z:\[\frac{\partial z^2}{\partial z} = 2z\]
  4. Sum up the result 2x + 2y + 2z.

Applications of divergence:

Divergence, a fundamental concept in vector calculus, has a range of applications across various fields. Here are some examples:


The divergence of the wind field can be used to understand atmospheric pressure patterns and predict weather conditions. For example, converging winds (negative divergence) can lead to rising air and potentially the formation of clouds and precipitation.

Computer Graphics:

In computer graphics, divergence is used in fluid simulation to ensure that the simulated fluid is incompressible, leading to more realistic animations and visual effects.

Medical Imaging:

In medical imaging, divergence can be used to process and analyze data from various imaging techniques, such as MRI and CT scans, to enhance image quality and improve diagnosis.

